Masuk Daftar

in detail artinya

contoh kalimat "in detail"
  • The Holy Grail's final resting place described in detail.
    Peristirahatan terakhir cawan suci dijelaskan secara rinci.
  • We've already discussed the original tox report in detail.
    Kita sudah membahas laporan toksikologi asli sebelumnya.
  • Why not tell the Gangnam gossip in detail?
    Kenapa tidak beritahu gosip di Gangnam lebih detil?
  • I was hoping to examine your copy in detail.
    Saya berharap untuk mempelajari buku Anda lebih detil.
  • You'll testify to all of this, in detail?
    Anda akan bersaksi tentang semua ini, terperinci?
  • We need to know in detail the order of events
    Kami perlu tahu secara mendetil, urutan kejadiannya.
  • May I know in detail what is done for the procedures?
    Bolehakutahusecararinciapayangdilakukan untuk prosedur ?
  • Described in detail what happened to the body.
    Menjelaskan secara rinci yang terjadi pada tubuhnya.
  • Submit this problem again in detail. Then I'll answer.
    Beritahu orang disana masalah yang sama.
  • He'll present his side of story in detail.
    Dia akan hadir pihaknya cerita secara detail.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
  • thoroughly (including all important particulars); "he studied the snake in detail"

  • thoroughly (including all important particulars); "he studied the snake in detail"